7/6/2022: Patients and guests are required to wear a face mask at all times if not up to date with the COVID-19 vaccinations.
Masks are required at the Specialists' One-Day Surgery Center.
Patients Receiving Steroid (Cortisone) InjectionsIf you have recently received a Covid-19 vaccination or booster shot and are expected to receive a steroid (cortisone) injection at your next SOS visit, please know it must be at least two weeks after a Covid-19 vaccine or booster shot. If your SOS injection steroid appointment is within the 2 week period of you receiving your Covid-19 shot, please contact the office to reschedule you appointment Mon – Fri 8:00AM – 4:30PM at 315-251-3100, extension 4, or notify us through the patient portal. Thank you!
SOS has taken this cautious approach because it is unknown if corticosteroid injections could result in decreased immunogenicity which could reduce vaccine efficacy. The majority of musculoskeletal cortisone injections are elective procedures that can be safely postponed or rescheduled. Given the potential risk, we would prefer to be cautious and have the patient wait the two weeks.
A Note To Our Patients
The COVID-19 pandemic has been more than trying on all of us. Throughout this difficult time SOS has been committed to keeping our doors open with the use of telemedicine and screening of our patients over the phone and entering the office to ensure the lowest risk possible to staff and patients. Coupled with the COVID-19 pandemic, we are also navigating through a critical nation-wide nursing and staffing shortage. This impacts every department within SOS. We ask for your patience with hold times on the phone, wait times in the office and response times to your inquiries.
Please know that our dedicated staff are working diligently to get to all of our patients and we appreciate your understanding while we try to maintain excellent customer service. Due to the pandemic and staffing shortage we are simply not operating in a manner that meets our high standards but please know that we are working to recruit and retain amazing staff. Our dedicated staff have been tirelessly working to minimize disruptions or cause inconvenience to our valued patients and we ask that you be mindful of this when calling or coming into our office. Your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated.
SOS COVID-19 Health And Safety Guide
How SOS is Protecting Our Staff And The Community
If you are sick or running a fever please call the office to speak to a nurse before coming in for an appointment.
Wearing Face Coverings is Encouraged
Social Distancing Practices
Enhanced Cleaning Processes
Ongoing Training & Education
Frequent Handwashing & Respiratory Hygiene
Office Visits
- Patients will undergo an enhanced screening, including a brief questionnaire. All companions must also be screened.
- We will request the date of a patient’s last vaccination if they have received one upon scheduling, check in and/or nurse intake.
- Physical distancing will be observed for the safety of patients and employees.
- Patients and all visitors will be asked to use hand sanitizer and wash their hands regularly.
- SOS continues to offer Virtual Visits for patients, if your provider feels it is appropriate for you. Learn more about Virtual Visits.
- SOS is currently performing elective surgeries at Crouse Hospital, St. Joseph’s Hospital and the Specialists’ One-Day Surgery Center.
Each surgical facility will reach out to our patients in advance if COVID testing is required for your procedure.
COVID-19 Updates & Resources
For additional information and resources please visit:
Properly Wearing Face Coverings in Public
Incorrect Ways to Wear a FacemaskRegularly and properly washing hangs and using hand sanitizer