What is a Separated Shoulder?
A separated shoulder is a type of shoulder injury affecting the ligaments that hold the collarbone to the shoulder blade. When mild cases of a separated shoulder, the ligaments may be stretched. In more severe cases of separated shoulder, the ligaments may be torn.
There are serious potential complications from a separated shoulder, including the risk of developing arthritis, or additional shoulder injuries, such as rotator cuff injuries.
If you or a loved one experience shoulder pain that may be from a separated shoulder...
Separated Shoulder Causes
Common separated shoulder causes include, but are not necessarily limited to:
- A forceful impact to the point of the shoulder
- Falling directly on the shoulder
- Sports injuries, especially in contact sports or sports that involve falls
Separated Shoulder Symptoms
Common separated shoulder symptoms include, but are not necessarily limited to:
- Shoulder pain
- Shoulder weakness
- Arm weakness
- Shoulder bruising
- Shoulder swelling
- Limited shoulder mobility
- A bump or swelling on the top of the shoulder
If you or a loved one experience shoulder pain or any of the above separated shoulder symptoms, it's important to see an SOS shoulder specialist to prevent further, potentially serious complications.
Separated Shoulder Diagnosis
The first step to relieving shoulder pain that may be associated with a separated shoulder is to get a separated shoulder diagnosis from a shoulder specialist.
Common methods for a separated shoulder diagnosis include, but are not necessarily limited to:
- A physical examination from a shoulder specialist
- X-Rays
Get Separated Shoulder Treatment for Shoulder Pain Relief
There are many different types of separated shoulder treatments. The appropriate separated shoulder treatment depends on the severity of the shoulder injury.
Common separated shoulder treatment options include, but are not necessarily limited to:
- Medication for shoulder pain
- Physical therapy
- Resting the shoulder
- Applying ice to the shoulder
- Surgery, when necessary
The team of SOS shoulder specialists are experienced in providing separated shoulder treatment. Our shoulder doctors provide total orthopedic care for separated shoulder patients, developing a personalized treatment plan for each patient.
For separated shoulder treatment and help for shoulder pain relief...